Elisa Rossi

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Statement : 

 I paint because I must, I couldn’t conceive a life without painting.
Art has been and is my medicine, my commitment, it has empowered me with the possibility of transmuting what I was trying to push away into something, somehow, beautiful .
My creative process fluctuates between subconscious flow of images, dreamlike states and structured execution. There's a tango between what I let free to flow and what I consciously choose to represent and render. I am deeply fascinated by the shapes and figures that spontaneously emerge from the applied layers of mediums and my guess is that there are messages behind these cryptic figures and characters, yet I don’t try to decipher but rather let them be.
My intention is to let the observer shape his/her own dialogue with the artwork and experience it with the highest degree of freedom. I want to offer an experience, an occasion to connect with one's inner world, to share through artistic expression what is hard to explain otherwise. 
 The past three years have propelled the development of my artist’s message on how to alchemize pain, loss, unspeakable experiences into creative expression, appreciation for life and beauty.
#pain2power is the thread that I have found through history of art and when studying many artists’ life, as from the deepest wounds of the individual and of the collective the brightest gifts have always been sprouting.

2021 Oil and acrylic on canvas 48 x 36 inches

Elisa Rossi is an artist based in Los Angeles and uses different mediums (oil, acrylic, charcoal, pastels) to create expressive artworks that fluctuate between figuration and abstraction. She is represented by Wönzimer gallery in Los Angeles and ATO gallery in New York.

Elisa was raised and born in Carpi, Italy, where she received formal classical piano training and art education since age 5.
After earning a Master's Degree in International Relations in 2010 from L.U.I.S.S. Guido Carli university, she lived in Belgrade, Berlin and Brussels while pursuing a career in public affairs.
During those years, she was in parallel cultivating her visceral, ever-present passion for visual arts, with a focus on human rights, social justice and spirituality..

She now uses painting to explore the symbiotic relationship between the subconscious mind and the artistic output. Carl G. Jung’s work ‘The Red Book’ deeply impacted her in approaching this area of research along with 'The Soul Code. In search of character and calling' written by James Hillman.
She lives her art as a vehicle to authentically deepening her inner investigation while establishing an emotional connection with the audience and has developed a peculiar, original visual language that evokes dreamlike, metaphysical worlds, childlike strokes combined with exploration of the human body, natural elements and sensual themes.
Paradox and synesthesia drive her creative flow as she can't separate the process of painting from music.

Past exhibitions:

▪ Super Fineart Fair Los Angeles, 14-17 February 2019. Represented by ATO Gallery
▪ Innerspace, Los Angeles. Collective art show.
▪ Wönzimer Gallery, April 12th 2019, group art show, Los Angeles
▪ Eternal Elements, Los Angeles, April 2019.
 Live painting and group art exhbition.
▪ Wönzimer Gallery, June 21st 2019, debut solo art show, Los Angeles
▪ Art of Tech, Miami Art Basel. Several artworks displayed at the virtual exhibition Art of Tech, part of Art Basel Miami 2019. Represented by ATO Gallery.
▪ Featured on Precious International Magazine Hong Kong, as one of the 10 awarded artists selected for the international contest focused on emerging artists worldwide.
▪ Group art show, Frieze Satellite Project curated by Wönzimer gallery, February 12th, 2020.
▪ Las Laguna Art Gallery, 4-31 March 2021, online group art show ‘Women in Art’s
▪ Virtual Artists UK, 28th March- 12th April 2021, virtual group art show ‘Art For Art’s Sake'
▪ Selected work ‘So Far So Close for the permanent collection of Colapezous Museum, 35x35 Art Project, 2021, Athens.
•    Selected works for juried online exhbit ‘Translucent Souls' , April 26th- May 3rd 2021, curated by Ekaterina Popova

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