Alessandra Sequeira

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Statement : 

Since a long time ago and particularly in the postmodern world, human consciousness is conditioned by the forms of thought, the censorship of emotions and the material world, where they assume the main role and are the primary focus of people. In this way the true identity is disrupted and the adapted identity begins to appear. 

As a consequence, the human race, confused and stripped of its true identity, abandons the connection with its essence and remains subject to identification with these forms. The resultant is the accumulation of knowledge and the absence of wisdom. We fight for progress and accumulation leaving aside evolution. 

My artistic processes have led me to recognize myself -on a symbolic level- as a drop, as a center, as the same particle with which the universe has been created. It has been a constant exercise, a path of recollection and expansion. My trips, as I usually call them, go through states of consciousness that encompass spaces from biology, energy, synergy, quantum, the cosmos and spirituality. 

In the process, this kind of intuitive method emerges, where I look for and explore the origin of being, the essence of life, and consciousness. 

This has allowed me to reach a deep self-knowledge where I seek to take the viewer to questions that display their own potential. 

Each work has an individual character but as a whole, in the interconnections all are part of an organism, of living matter, thought and wisdom. In each piece we can understand that we are not isolated or separated beings, although for the mind it seems that yes. On a deeper level there is a connection with the essence of life itself, pure consciousness. 

It is my voice and my intention, it is the call. The desire to turn my work into space and spaces where the singular expression of being, the stillness, the creative divinity, are seen and the viewer can identify, connect, reflect and be able to listen. 

Understanding that the Essence of Being is the source that nests in us, is the Origin and the End. 

The transcendence in this revelation is to understand that, the unconditioned consciousness underlies all forms and can enter the world through us. It is the unmanifested that permeates the manifested.

Disidentifying means recovering our true identity. It is the definitive reunion to manifest being in doing.

Each work has an individual character but as a whole, in the interconnections they are all part of an organism, of living matter, thought, wisdom, flow. In each piece we will be able to understand that we are not isolated or separate beings, although to the mind it seems that we are. On a deeper plane there is a connection to the essence of life itself, pure consciousness. It is my voice and my intention; it is the call, the desire to convert my work into space and spaces where the singular expression of being, the stillness, the creative divinity, are reflected and the viewer can identify, connect, reflect and be able to listen Understand that consciousness is being. It is the source that nests in us. It is the origin and the end.
Search of the SelfAs the new physics in the Universe determined, two particles entangle if they are close together, then their properties become linked. Since Einstein revealed the reality of Quantum Entanglement beyond time and space, Universal entanglem
As I conceptual artist I have being interested in creating art pieces and installations where the ¨observer¨ can journey inside and beyond themselves and question their existence. From the micro to the macro cosmos, entanglements manifest themselves. We observe them in nature with the language of the roots of the trees, in our own body with the synapsis created in our minds, in our blood and nervous system, and even in a larger scale in the universe when planets are being formed. What thus these entanglements represent I´ve wondered and invite others to question? I believe we are all One single consciousness, that transforms and recreates itself. Through my art I’ve being able to translate this sense of interconnections as an imaginal vision in which everything happens in lines that interconnect beyond time and space. I choose to live and draw as part of a whole without judgment or prejudice. Drawing a line with the Universe disables the individuality of Ego, leading me to the unknown but inner felt landscape of Absoluteness.
The Dark Side of the Light
I see in that power of the minimum, of the ephemeral as volatile, the breeding ground of those contrasting states of expansion and containment, which undoubtedly coexist and build a logical history in my work. And yet this galactic framework, which seems to speak to us from a supreme place, always from outside, could in synthesis be the visual content of a microorganism. My vision goes from the telescopic to the smallest, it moves in the long distances of the spyglass with comfort or at times it seems that I can attempt to observe the absoluteness, that translates everything and this is what I call "active meditation" , because for Kashmir Shivaism, meditation is nothing other than the deep sense of consciousness that allows us to recognize ourselves in Everything, to be part of Everything. To embrace our darkness while we integrate our Light!
V Range Multidimentions
During these last 5 years, artistic processes have led me to recognize myself - symbolically - as a drop, as a center, as the very particle with which the universe has been created. It has been a constant exercise, a path of recollection and expansion. My trips as I usually call them, cover states of consciousness that encompass spaces from biology, energy, dynergy, quantum, cosmos and spirituality, Spaces where the flexible intention is capable of accessing and transforming the collective unconscious and in the attempt of all this, creating. And creation arises from that drop that, recognizing its smallness, manages to find its greatness; understanding that it is part of a whole, seeking to interconnect through the line with others and thus become. Each process causes the droplet or particle to transform itself and therefore its environment. It is that moment in which the spirit of transcendence is born. At this point, the line integrates the multiplicity of planes of consciousness or multidimensions. As a process, in the simplicity and complexity of life itself, somehow an intersection is created that reaches this point in the set of works that are presented in this opportunity and thus, live, relate and interconnect lives through art.

Alessandra Sequeira

I was born in Costa Rica, in 1969.

Studied graphic design in the Universidad de Costa Rica, and publicity designing in the Universidad Veritas.

Multidisciplinary artist, specializing in drawing, painting, installations, textile art, and modeling relational  art experiences. Have exhibited in  over 150 collective exhibitions and over 20 solo art shows in the past twenty years, in museums, galleries, and art fairs all around the world.

Inspired in quantum physics, metaphysics, biology, philosophy, spirituality, consciousness and  nature  among other subjects.


1993-19197, entasis in figurative painting in oil and acrylic technique, with Guillermo Porra, Costa Rica.

2005, Blown glass techniques, Museum of Glass, Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

2005-2010, Welding apprentice with Arturo Porras , Costa Rica.

2009, Art Therapy, with Marcela Valdeavellano, Costa Rica.

2015, Muralsim apprentice with Carlos Capelan, Costa Rica.

2019, Manipulation of fiber textile weaving in large scale formats, with Idoia Cuesta, in Madrid, Spain.

2019, Reuse of materials for social sustainability workshop with Agueda Leon, Mexico.


Phantom Perspectives, FaB, UK

MAC, Panama, Art show and Auction, representing Costa Rica, 2019.

El Attico Gallery solo exhibition, called "The Consciousness I Inhabit", Guatemala, 2019.

Museo del Traje, Contemporary Textile Art Biennale, representing Central America in small format category, Spain, 2019.

Museo de Cartago, solo exhibition, "Origin and Essence", Costa Rica, 2018.

Art Flow Gallery, solo exhibition, "Consciousness", Costa Rica, 2018.


Relational art Experiences:2009-2020

Organized and  guided relational art experiences and workshops with diverse groups, among them: Students from UNIS University in Guatemala. Fisherman Community in  Playas del Coco, Costa Rica. Elder Home in  Cartago, Costa Rica. Rahab Foundation (prevention of human traffic), Costa Rica. Hogares Siembra, (prevention of cold abuse), Costa Rica. Rozas Botran Foundation, (learning disabilities), Guatemala. Museo Municipal de Cartago, (learning disabilities workshop, Costa Rica. Fundamentes Foundation, ( high risk children comunities). Costa Rica.


Participated in numerous auctions through her career, such as:

SOS NICARAGUA Human Rights, Arte en Mayo- Guatemala, VALOARTE- Costa Rica, APRENA -Costa Rica, MAc- Panama, among many others.


(+506- 88352696)

FB @Alessandra Sequeira

Instagram @Alessandra Sequeira

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