
Open Call for a wide range of creatives across the UK

Horatio's Garden is a fabulous charity that creates and nurtures beautiful gardens at NHS spinal injury centres. The spaces are stunning sanctuaries, created by well-known garden designers.

We are looking for a wide range of creative people to join us to bring an exciting range of activities and workshops to suit patients of all ages and backgrounds in five of ours gardens located in: The Welsh Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Cardiff), The Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre (Salisbury), The National Spinal Injuries Centre (Aylesbury), London Spinal Cord Injury Centre (London), The Midland Centre for Spinal Injuries (Oswestry). 

Open Call for a wide range of creatives in Horatio's Gardens

Horatio's Garden is a fabulous charity that creates and nurtures beautiful gardens at NHS spinal injury centres. The spaces are stunning sanctuaries, created by well-known garden designers.

We are looking for a wide range of creative people to join us to bring an exciting range of activities and workshops to suit patients of all ages and backgrounds in five of ours gardens located in: The Welsh Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Centre (Cardiff), The Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre (Salisbury), The National Spinal Injuries Centre (Stoke Mandeville), London Spinal Cord Injury Centre (London), The Midland Centre for Spinal Injuries (Oswestry). 

‘Mind - be here, present / be here now’

Kingshill House, located in Dursley, Gloucestershire, is seeking submissions for our first exhibition of 2022, entitled ‘Mind - be here, present / be here now’, opening 26th February.  



CULTVR Lab is pleased to announce the first two open calls for Catalyst 360º, an ambitious residency and virtual exhibitions programme designed to support artists to engage, develop and test immersive experiences that lie between the physical and digital realm.

3 residency opportunities will be facilitated through this strand to support the research, development and presentation of new immersive productions and live experiences. 

The call invites creative practitioners to submit projects that leverage the unique capabilities of CULTVR Lab and its forward facing performance space, which features a 180º immersive dome with a 15.1 surround sound system. 

Open call for artists: virtual art gallery

3DCREATION, a virtual reality agency, is proud to support artists by exhibiting their works for free in its virtual art gallery.

We have developed a virtual gallery where you can exhibit your artworks and NFT for free. You can access the virtual gallery from a simple web browser with or without a VR headset.

People can visit the virtual gallery freely and purchase the NFTs on display.

Maintenant 16

Three Rooms Press publishes an annual, internationally-renowned journal of contemporary DADA writing and art, MAINTENTANT. The submission period for our next issue, MAINTENANT 16, runs from January 1, 2022 through March 1, 2022.

MAINTENANT 16 will feature DADA work on the theme of NYET ZERO

MAINTENANT 16: A Journal of Contemporary DADA Writing and Art, will include DADAwork inspired by the theme NYET ZERO. We accept DADA paintings, collages, word art, and poetry up to 25 lines in length. International artists and writers are particularly encouraged to submit your work. Past issues have included work from 6 continents and more than 35 countries. We aim to be even more inclusive with this issue.



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