Valerie Fahren


Valerie Fahren , Los Angeles, CA
City: Los Angeles
Address: Cashman Commercials: The “Cashman Cache” of Voice Acting Techniques , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 661-222-9300
City: Los Angeles
Address: East West Players Actors Conservatory , 120 N. Judge John Aiso St. , Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel: 213-625-7000, ext. 15
City: Los Angeles
Address: Albert Dayan , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-314-7540
City: Los Angeles
Address: The New Collective LA , 6440 Santa Monica Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90038
Tel: 323-871-1376
City: New York
Address: Maggie Flanigan Studio , 153 W. 27th St., Ste. 803 , New York, NY 10001
Tel: 917-789-1599
City: Los Angeles
Address: Diana Castle's The Imagined Life , The Imagined Life™, 5615 San Vicente Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90019
Tel: 323-936-6818
City: Los Angeles
Address: Carmen Milito , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-760-2448
City: Houston
Address: Next Iteration Theater Company , 2101 Winter St. , Houston, TX 77030
Tel: 716-266-6482
City: Brooklyn
Address: Terry Knickerbocker Studio , 68 34th St., #C404, Fourth Fl. , Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: 718-801-8999
City: Clifton
Address: ATC Studios , 68 Union Ave. , Clifton, NJ 07011
Tel: 862-243-ATCS (2827)
City: Santa Monica
Address: Santa Monica Playhouse Actors’ Workshop Performance LAB , 1211 Fourth St., Ste. 201 , Santa Monica, CA 90401-1391
Tel: 310-394-9779, ext. 673
City: North Hollywood
Address: Slow...Children at Play (Comedy Improv Troupe) , 11006 Magnolia Blvd. , North Hollywood, CA 91601
Tel: 818-410-7529
