Confidenze tra amiche

An historic title for Mondadori, Confidenze, which has maintained its vitality. This is the result of an exclusive formula that every week brings together service content (cooking, health, fashion, beauty) and other features (short romantic fiction, true-life stories).



Country: United States
City: New York

The Ultimate Fashion Sewing Magazine. For over 80 years Vogue Patterns has been a style leader, a resource, and a source of inspiration for those who take their sewing seriously. Each issue includes inspiring projects, tips and techniques from renowned sewing authorities, and the newest high-fashion designs to make yourself.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris

VERY ELLE is published twice a year and features work by a slew of new artists and photographers as well as interviews with personalities and editorial surprises.

VERY ELLE was launched together with VERY ELLE.FR, an innovative and creative e-magazine and a natural extension of this new adventure.

Country: France
City: Paris

SOUP IS a reactionary response to the majority of fashion publications which are seasoned with mundane philosophies and superficial ideas.

SOUP IS a unique publishing venture: an independent magazine with the freedom to embrace new concepts and ideas without following traditional recipes or chasing the pack.

A nourishing blend of fashion, photography, art and literature, carefully selected and combined.

SOUP IS presented in an unbiased and unconfined way, which allows the reader to absorb its contents and develop an individual emotional response.

Country: Italy
City: Milan

Cosmopolitan is an international magazine for women. It was first published in 1886 in the United States as a family magazine, was later transformed into a literary magazine and eventually became a women's magazine in the late 1960s. Also known as Cosmo, its current content includes articles on relationships and sex, health, careers, self-improvement, celebrities, as well as fashion and beauty. Published by Hearst Magazines, Cosmopolitan has 58 international editions, is printed in 34 languages and is distributed in more than 100 countries.

Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm

Maxim is an international men's magazine based in the United Kingdom and known for its revealing pictorials featuring popular actresses, singers, and female models, none of whom are nude in the American version.

Due to its success in its primary markets, Maxim has expanded into many other countries, including Argentina, Canada, India, Indonesia, Israel, Belgium, Romania, the Czech Republic, France (marketed under "Maximal"), Germany, Bulgaria, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Russia (where it stands now as the most popular men's magazine), Serbia, the Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, and Portugal (marketed under "Maxmen"). A wireless version of the magazine was launched in 2005 across cellular carriers in twenty European and Asian countries.

Country: Philippines
City: Manila

Scott Schuman is The Sartorialist. With a keen eye and a pulse on the style zeitgeist, Scott's iconic influence extends beyond his blog: he is also a photographer and writer for GQ and and has been featured in French Vogue and Fantastic Man. Scott's work has also been shown at the Danziger Projects Gallery and at Hyeres in France. Most recently, Scott was part of the Fall 2008 GAP Icon campaign.

The Sartorialist is renowned among style influentials the world over and they let their voice be heard within the blog: The Sartorialist has an active, participatory audience that averages 100+ comments for each blog post.

Accolades include:

- TIME magazine: Top 100 Design Influencers 2007

- The Guardian: World's 50 Most Powerful Blogs

- Technorati: #51 in Top 100 Blog List

- Blogspot: #5 on Top Blog List

Country: United States
City: New York

Marie Claire is a monthly women's magazine conceived in France but also distributed in other countries with editions specific to them and in their languages. While each country shares its own special voice with its audience, the United States edition focuses on women around the world and several worldwide issues. The magazine also provides the reader with health, beauty, and fashion information in each issue. Readers can subscribe to it through the mail and online. The reality series, Running In Heels, follows three interns working in the NYC office of the magazine.

Marie Claire UK is part of IPC Media, based in London. In 2006, it launched its website with segments on daily news, catwalk show, photographs and reports, fashion and beauty, buys of the day, daily horoscopes and competitions.

The theme for Marie Claire is “More than a Pretty Face”. The magazine gives readers information about different women around the world and their needs, struggles, and stories of life.

The goal of the magazine is to provide readers with a substantial amount of information about new looks in the fashion industry as well as current issues that women of the world are facing. Moreover, it also adds relationship information, along with a section dedicated to answering specific questions from readers. It provides information pertaining to different items of clothing and accessories, as well as which would be a better deal. Each month recognizes a particular female celebrity by placing her on the cover of the magazine and featuring her in a main article, along with providing monthly horoscope.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

ELLE MAN, le nouveau magazine masculin débarque en kiosque... et dans votre vie ! Un rendez-vous avec la culture, la mode l’actualité, les tendances et les personnalités qui font le style ELLE MAN. Masculin et décomplexé. On dépasse son genre, on se joue des codes, on se fout du virilement correct. Pour ne garder qu’un objectif : être un magazine bien à lire et beau à regarder.

Country: France
City: Paris

WANTED is Business Day's award-winning lifestyle and culture magazine.

Fashion magazine for women in their 20s who favor the stylich casual look and don’t mind spending some money on it.

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Country: Russia
City: Moscow
