


Country: Switzerland
City: Lausanne
Country: China
Country: Russia
City: Moskow

MINT Magazine is a quarterly, print & online publication. The magazine and blog are a beautiful collection of editorials, photographs, fashion sketches, videos, introspective articles & more. MINT creator Courtney Roxanne, began the publication to inspire artists to create a culture of becoming aware of emerging talent in the industry. Keep checking back for all your fashion inspiration!

Country: United States
City: New York

Deliciae Vitae: for men of the world In 1983, aged 18, I approached one of Europe’s leading publishers of adult material with my idea for a stylishly superior men’s publication. I knew there was a market for an international magazine that was classy, luxurious and sexy but which was fundamentally not about porn. I mean if that's all you want you can get it anywhere, right? They laughed me out of the building...

Another 18 years on, the culture of photography and publishing has come a very long way. Having worked as a fashion designer for much of the intervening period I've been struck how much fashion, and particularly fashion photographers have embraced sex and sexuality in advertising and editorial fashion shoots for men and women.

Ultimately, as the fashion industry knows very well, it's the image - the way someone (or something) is photographed - that makes them desirable. The medium - as they say - is the message. Which explains why certain fashion photographers have become as famous as film directors.

Deliciae Vitae is an independent bi-annual publication, of deliberate, unashamedly luxurious excess. Autonomous and unconstrained in a world of ever more increasing conglomerate fashion.

In this, its first issue, beautiful women from across the globe are photographed by the very best fashion and art photographers to give pleasure to the most sophisticated of palates. But such sophistication is indulged just as much by fine writing. So look out for features on the eternal sexual chemistry of champagne, the elitist joys of supersonic travel or the return of the ultimate pop playboy Bryan Ferry. Deliciae Vitae is not meant to appeal to everyone. But then, you're not everyone, are you?

Country: Italy
City: Milan

In Style provides a unique window on celebrity style distilled for discerning readers to enhance their own personal style. In Style ensures every fashion, beauty and lifestyle article inspires readers to shop from the pages and provides advertisers with the highest quality and most engaging monthly fashion/lifestyle magazine environment.

In Style, initially launched in the United States, is truly a global brand producing international editions in twelve countries including Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Greece, South Korea, Spain, Russia, Turkey and South Africa.

Country: South Korea
City: Seoul

Packed with the biggest stories, the best photographs, exclusives and the hottest stars from the world of showbiz and entertainment, OK! magazine and bring you the truth and the inside scoop about celebrities. Whether it’s movies, music, TV, celebrity weddings, babies, fashion, break-ups or make-ups, if you want to get up close and personal to the stars, you’re in the right place!

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam

Playing Fashion is a monthly international magazine focused on fashion, beauty and art. Based in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Country: Ukraine
City: Kiew
