


Country: Denmark
City: Copenhagen

ELLEgirl.com provides young women with insider information on fashion, beauty, service and pop culture in a voice that, while maintaining authority on the subject, includes and amuses them. The modern, internet-savvy teenage girl (and future ELLE reader), is quite interested in and conscious of fashion - but also doesn't take it (or herself) too seriously.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: France
City: Paris

Australian Vogue is published in Australia by FPC Magazines twelve times a year under license from Conde Nast. Kirstie Clements is the current Editor in Chief and Paul Meany is the Creative Director. Many of their covers are original, although often there are reprints from other Conde Nast magazines. Printing and binding are average, but they use glossy paper and a thick cover. Fashion editorials are simultaneously airy and dismal-I don't know how that's possible, but they accomplish it quite well. Perhaps it can be attributed to the use of a lot of dark studio photography and the occasional happy outdoor work. Vogue Australia began publishing in 1957 with only three issues a year. Throughout the 1960's and 1970's, they gradually raised publication to six, eight, ten, then eleven issues. In 1980, they began monthly printing and have been maintained at that rate for almost thirty years.

Country: Australia
City: Sydney

French Men's fashion and style at its best, Vogue Hommes Intl is smartly put together with numerous pictures of handsome models in smart designers suits, latest and trendiest clothes, activewear, causalwear, beachwear, denim, knits, shoes, accessories and much more. Impressively delivers what a men expects from Vogue.

Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Italy
City: Milan
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev
