wish report



Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City
Country: Philippines
City: Makati City

Organice Your Life is the website & online magazine for eating organically, keeping organized, and living a very nice life.

Brought to you by people that know firsthand:

Models, Celebrities and other Fashion & Entertainment insiders.

“Organice Your Life” comes from the words:

“ Organize”. “Organic” and “Nice“,

as they think those are the 3 key words in living a happy and healthy life.

The main goal of Organice Your Life® (OYL) is to make as much information and links accessible to anyone who wants to do something,to try to make their own life, or the world around them a bit better. Little efforts can sometimes mean a huge positive difference!

Organice Your Life® works with the circle of 5.

1. Organice® Your Home

2. Organice® Your Agenda

3. Organice® Yourself

4. Organice® Your Relationships.

5. Organice® Your Good Heart.

The subjects covered are very broad, including Fashion, Nutrition, Health, Physiology, Psychology, Science, News, Relationships and Sex.They have all in common that we are looking for the best, healthiest, organic, fair trade or environment, animal and human friendly options.

Through this website,and with columns, interviews, workshops, books, tv ,radio shows, events and other ways, this information is brought to the public in a young, hip and fun way.

The contributors of Organice Your Life® are all young successful men and women from within the Fashion & Entertainment industry, who the philosophy: Get started. Get Organiced!® .

You can click on every step of the Organice Your Life Circle of 5, and then it will show all articles that are filed under that specific step.

Organice Your Home: will have everything to make your home or place to stay, a cosy, clean and fun place,

Organice Your Agenda: will have fun events and important dates to put in your agenda, tips to organize your finances, how to deal with your time management, and things to put on your to-do list,

Organice Yourself: This is the most diverse step, and covers everything that can make you improve yourself: physically and emotionally, by nutrition, work outs, skin care, spirituality, hobbies, psychology , fashion make-up etc.

Organice Your Relationships: This is about the relationships you have with people, animals, nature and with the supernatural,

Organice Your Good Heart: has everything about goodwill and charities, and gives you ideas what you can do for others!

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: United States
City: Los Angeles

A glossy monthly with a unique and singular positioning, Vanity Fair is a high profile international brand, with an editorial mix that marries investigation with glamour, information with aesthetics.

Country: France
City: Paris

YUE is a leading lifestyle magazine for luxury Chinese/Chinese American travelers to New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Bearing the meaning of promise and rendezvous, YUE showcases the best places to go, see and shop for in America's leading destinations for the Chinese visitor.

YUE publishes four issues a year and covers fashion, jewelry, watches, art, shopping, culture, fine dining, real estate and education, offering China’s sophisticated readers a multi-faceted view and a better understanding of America’s elite lifestyle.

Country: United States
City: New York

An alternative Chinese fashion magazine.

Country: China
City: Taiwan
Country: France
City: Paris

Their smart, sexy, confident readers are redefining every area of their lives, living in a totally different way than their mothers did. They reflect this in every part of the magazine, with empowering, friendly and fun editorial in all they key areas: fashion, beauty, health, decor, food and travel.

From sexy, glamourous clothes and savvy beauty know-how to stylish homes and delicious food, their features will inspire you to live the life you want!

Country: South Africa
City: Craighall

The only magazine focused on beauty in the world of upscale women's press.

It is truly a reference, an expert authority close to its readers.

Votre Beauté is the beauty reference for readers, true shoppers and experts.

Each month, Votre Beauté:

- unfolds the latest trends and all the newest items

- compares the opinions of experts and professionals

- opens up to beauty and makes it part of an approach to ‘‘being beautiful'', including nutrition, fashion and psychology.

Country: France
City: Issy-les-Moulineaux

An alternative Chinese fashion magazine.

Country: China
City: Taiwan
