Sveta Bilyk

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Statement : 

Sveta Bilyk was born in Ukraine.
She is a 3D and VR artist currently based in Paris.
She explores how to keep the balance between past, present and future.
The past for her means knowing your roots, respecting, preserving and multiplying the national heritage you belong to.
The present is about the mental health of each of us and taking care of the inner world. She believes that we spread what we are full of.
The future is the biggest challenge. But first of all we need to take care of nature and oceans around us. What future awaits us if we continue to consume irresponsibly and pollute the environment?

Mama`s Flower #001
This work is based on one of the hundreds of photos of flowers my mother took. She wanted to show us her garden, which I miss very much. This work was an expression of my sadness for my parents and our traditional weekly gatherings, for the home I can't see because of the war in Ukraine. And it was this work that launched the collection I called “Mama`s garden”. It's filled with many symbols and deep feelings. This work is dedicated to all those who miss their parents, their home and can't see them.
Mama`s Flower #002
After my first artwork, I started getting more photos of flowers from the garden. They were all incredible. My parents were happy that we now had a thing that united us even at a distance. That's when I knew for sure - I wanted to keep going. They grow flowers and take photos, and I add digital art and show our art to the world. Then among the photos I received, I found this magical yellow rose. For me it became a symbol of the idea of continuing.
Mama`s Flower #003
This work is based on a photo from my own mom. For me it is a symbol of acceptance. Acceptance of self and others. Our desires and possibilities. Our strengths and weaknesses. All this makes us unique and wonderful people. And of course, love and gratitude for what I am.

Sveta Bilyk was born in Ukraine.
She is a 3D and VR artist currently based in Paris.
She explores how to keep the balance between past, present and future.
The past for her means knowing your roots, respecting, preserving and multiplying the national heritage you belong to.
The present is about the mental health of each of us and taking care of the inner world. She believes that we spread what we are full of.
The future is the biggest challenge. But first of all we need to take care of nature and oceans around us. What future awaits us if we continue to consume irresponsibly and pollute the environment?

Greater London



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