Emanuela Iuliana Harris Sintamarian

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Statement : 

As an immigrant artist, my work is informed by the relationship between my identity to my sense of displacement, and the ways I have devised to reconcile those incongruous elements.  I am interested in perception, memory and the mechanics of motion, their visual translation, and the dichotomies intrinsic to them (transfer vs change, action vs reaction, and time linearity)

I explore the fluidity and tension generated by contradictions: organized chaos and uncontrolled order, machine-like generated imagery, and imperfections. I also tend to adulterate the boundaries between representative and abstract. I leverage marks, colors, shapes, and textures to construct an undefined world, rather than mirror reality.

 ”Ce petit objet de désir” series is based on the personal and collective perception of immediate gratification of desires and the purpose of other(-ness) versus long term intellectual and emotional targets.

As an artist, I am interested in choices: what remains to be seen, what is absent, and how decisions are made.  I work across a range of media, from drawing, painting, mixed media, muralism and 3-D works. My working method is process-based and serial. This approach allows me to expand on an idea, and to respond to what I am working on. It also allows me to think of the next works. Thus, the work makes the works.

The Age of Greed: Crying over our goods
70" x 72", acrylic, gouache on paper
Work Credit: 
Connected Isolation
70" x 110", gouache on paper
Work Credit: 

Ema Harris-Sintamarian is an artist originally from Romania whose work is informed by the relationship of her identity to her sense of displacement, and the ways she has devised to reconcile these incongruous elements.  Her intricate yet expansive drawings tackle the dichotomy between containment and liberation by infusing a static diagram with a charge that propels it into motion. 

Ema's work has been shown in solo and group shows at Sunny Art Center, London, UK; Museum of Contemporary Arts, Constanta, Romania; Museum of Art, Arad, Romania; Triton Museum in Santa Clara, CA; Jack Fischer Gallery, San Francisco, CA; the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, DE;  Rosenfeld Gallery in Philadelphia; Niklas Belenius Gallery in Stockholm, Sweden; Institute of Contemporary Art, CA and Angel Orensanz Foundation, New York, NY.  

She was the recipient of the Artist Award CVCreates, San Jose, CA(2020), the Golden Foundation Fellowship, Golden Foundation, New Berlin, NY (2018), the Eureka Fellowship, Fleishhacker Foundation, San Francisco, CA (2013), ArtShift Award (2008) and the Silicon Valley Arts Council Award (2010). She is the finalist for the Sunny Art Award (2021), and has been nominated for SECA-SFMOMA-History Art Award, SF, CA.

She has participated in residency programs at the Golden Foundation AIR Program, New Berlin, NY; Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA; AIR Krems, Krems au der Donau, Austria; Art House Woslfberg, Garana, Romania; the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside ,CA;  WARP Contemporary Art Platform Artist Village Residency, Genk, Belgium, Vermont Studio Cente, VT;  and the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, CA. 

She received her MFA in Printmaking from the University of Delaware (2002), and her MFA in Painting from San Jose Sate University (2005).  Ema is an Adjunct Instructor at San Jose State University and San Jose City College.

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