Manuela Viera-Gallo

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Statement : 

For the last two decades I have been preoccupied with visual stories mostly informed by my life experiences and shaped through a distinctly feminine voice.  The current social and political volatility that we have been observing in our recent past in the United States feels very close to my experience as a Latina immigrant who witnessed how the loss of leaving something behind marks you forever. My artistic practice is multi disciplinary and rooted in themes that I have been exploring continuously which range from social instability, the American dream, addiction to technology, domestic violence, surveillance to rhetoric of belonging.  

The protagonist of a woman keeps appearing in the series of paintings that I have been developing for the last two years. She is characterized as someone who has a multitude of voices: the one who protests, the silenced one, the misrepresented, stuck in the family constellation, the sensual and the one who has to mask behind many shields. In this year of losses I decided to indulge in portraits drawn from art history, placed in fantastically colorful landscapes. Visual pleasure was a driving force while giving homage to the female form in a way I believe is most dignified.

In Tutti Frutti series have a colorful and tropical palette that make the artist transcend the cold and dark reality of Brooklyn. Paintings are a defense mechanism against a complicated reality. It is the quest to reach the garden of delights, the paradise of abundance. But there is an element of tragedy that is also present in the work, particularly in the faces of the women who reach that state of nirvana but with marks present on the bodies pierced by the fruit, the scars of past struggles, the lost gazes of an affected spirit that cannot be erased.

This series of paintings was also influenced by the pigments of the Mapuche, an indigenous group in South America with a rich tradition in textile work, where women were in charge of spinning and weaving wool. Transmitting knowledge from generation to generation through imitation of gestures, these women played an important economic and cultural role in different parts of South America.

DAte:2020 Materials :oil on canvas Size:70.8 X 62 inch
Work Credit: 
Manuela Viera-Gallo
Date 2020 Material:oil on canvas Size:70.8 X 57 inch
Work Credit: 
Manuela Viera-Gallo
Under the eye_MDA
Date:2019 Materials: oil on canvas Sizes: 70 x 62 inch
Work Credit: 
Manuela Viera-Gallo
Late Margarita
Date: 2018 Materials: oil on canvas Size: 20x16 inch
Work Credit: 
Manuela Viera-Gallo
History must be rewritten
Date: 2018 Materials: oil on canvas Size: 11x14 inch
Work Credit: 
Manuela Viera-Gallo

Manuela Viera Gallo 1977

Chilean artist living and working in New York.

She has participated in several group shows at Museo del Barrio, Art Museum of the Americas, Elizabeth Foundation, Cultural Center Recoleta ,Argentina. 5° Bienal do Mercosul, Portoalegre, Brazil, 10th Biennale of video and media Arts of Chile,Contemporary Art Musuem of Tamaulipas, CIF, Camden England. International Film Festival, Asymmetrick Arts Center, Chelsea Art Museum, East Asia Contemporary Museum or 5th Biennial do Mercosur, CCPLM Moneda Museum, Santiago,Chile, AC Institute NYC,S.E.C.S. LATINIDADES, Brazil, among others.

Solo shows: Core Club, NYC, USA (2021) Aninat Gallery, Santiago, Chile (2019) Public Sector Art Basel, Miami USA (2017), Volta Art Fair (2016), Y Gallery, New York. USA(2015),SP-ART FAIR ,SAO PABLO, Brazil (2014) La Central Gallery, Bogota, Colombia (2013), Arteba Fair- Buenos Aieres , Argentina (2012) Valenzuela & Klenner Foundation, Bogota, Colombia (2007), Broadway 1602 Gallery, New York, USA (2007), Die Ecke Gallery, Santiago, Chile (2006) ; Rebecca Container Gallery, Genova, Italy (2005); 24/7 Gallery, East End London, UK (2002)

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United States
Valley Village



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