Zhexing Shang

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Statement : 

I feel that images and music are the most authentic and pure expressions, an atmosphere that doesn’t need a written narrative, which is also what I hope my work can achieve. I didn’t start my work with a specific theme or an idea. I like to keep the randomness of my images, and I draw almost whatever comes to mind. Inspired mostly by artists like Pablo Picasso and Philip Guston, I combined the elements that come from the experience and the things I saw in the past and this kind of arbitrariness in the sense that I thought would fit in the part of the narrative, so I draw it in that way. Like the feeling I had when I was reading Japanese black and white manga in my childhood, I want it to give the reader room for imagination in terms of color or any interpretation by the viewer. This kind of interaction between the audience and the work is the theme of my works.

Estados Unidos
United Kingdom
Poulton Le Fylde
United Kingdom
United States
Highland Park



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