Catherine Falco

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Statement : 

Relationships can enhance and destroy. My art is a documentation of fragmented stories and memories from my past that linger in my day to day life. My experiences in both romantic and familial relationships have prompted me to create art in pursuit of healthy love, hope, and the undoing of destructive thoughts and habits.

In my practice, content dictates the medium I use, reflecting a personal vocabulary of symbols that manifest as specific still life objects and interior spaces. As a result, I use a wide variety of materials (like clay, wire, paint, nails and wood) and techniques such as painting, sculpting and printmaking to create both two- and three- dimensional pieces. I enhance the meaning behind my work by utilizing found or personally significant objects that relate to the subject matter in lieu of a canvas.  In employing my symbols, I play with the dichotomy of expectations versus reality in relationships by including real objects in some instances, as well as my own replications. The objects, signs, spaces and patterns I depict in my art reflect that which I see in my daily life, reminding me of the past while still grounding me in the present. My art allows me and the viewer to visit my memories and the people who have come and gone, without dwelling and getting stuck..

Through my art, I hope to communicate my pain, as well as my potential for healing. I want the viewer to look at my work and feel a connection between their own emotions and experiences and those which I visually represent. Although emblematic and veiled, my work brings deeply personal experiences to light and into a universal space.

Midnight Snack
2021, Mixed media (clay, acrylic, found objects, yarn and spray paint on wood panel), 16" x 18"
Work Credit: 
Catherine Falco
Strung Out
2021, Mixed media (Clay, yarn, wood, acrylic, foam and nails), 9" x 6" x 3"
Work Credit: 
Catherine Falco
2021, Mixed media (oil, acrylic, linocut, marker, phone cord and spray paint on canvas), 18" x 36" per panel
Work Credit: 
Catherine Falco
Period. End of Story
2021, Oil and wire on wood panel, 12" x 7" per panel
Work Credit: 
Catherine Falco
Don't Forget To Break Your Promises
2021, Mixed media (acrylic, found objects and yarn on wood), 17" x 9"
Work Credit: 
Catherine Falco

Catherine Falco is a visual artist born and raised in New York. She obtained her BFA in studio art at Adelphi University in 2021, where she developed a passion for painting, sculpting and mixed media. In her work, she explores personal experiences and themes surrounding relationships, memories, and how they linger in day to day life. Falco has been featured in several group exhibitions, publications and private collections. She currently lives and works in New Jersey.

United States
San Jose
United Kingdom
United Kingdom UK



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