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Abbey Golden
Country where you live:
- United States
City where you live:
- Los Angeles
Statement :
To call my parents likable is an understatement. They’ve been a fun-loving, lighthearted, attached-at-the-hip couple my entire life.
They’ve always had nearly militant physical and social routines, drafted out in notes and calendars around the house. Our Jewish heritage was prevalent by way of plastic tchotchkes and Yiddish quips passed down from their parents. Now, as retirees living in Florida, their quirky habits have exacerbated. Further accelerating this was my mom’s diagnosis with Alzheimers in 2018. There are signs everywhere of this transition, yet the pair maintain their brazen joy of life.
I’ve explored my parents individually and as a couple in the series “Charli & Elliot” (2019). There was an urgency to this work, for as mom’s condition develops, she will no longer be able to participate in these activities.
“Charli & Elliot” is a series that explores family, patterns, comfort and change. The specificity of this one couple reflects a universal truth about love and life during the aging process.


South Beach


Yentas by the pool
Abbey Golden is a New York native living and working in Los Angeles. She graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art and Art History. She continued to study oil painting at the University of Florence in Italy and Otis College of Fine Art and Design in LA. She has participated in multiple group shows in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Long Beach, and her work can be found in private collections around the world. Golden blends her classical training with new age perspectives and a personalized color palette.
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