Portrait Award
June 2021

Artists : Zi ling, Dylan Collazo, uangciaoxi, Annica, Jae Song


I believe all art is installation art because it can not escape the context of where it is experienced.  I believe all art is time-based because it cannot escape decay. With that, I am an installation artist working with different concepts of time-based media, exploring ideas of loneliness and...
This is a series of self-portraits discovering self-consciousness and honest representations. Inspired by the average appearance surveys and the story of the blind men and an elephant. It is both amazing and disappointing to realize that we can never actually see our faces. We always see our...
Inspired by people and emotions I paint digital portraits as a comment to the world around me, often using humor as a way to disarm serious subjects. Painting is an outlet for me, a way to process, reflect and to see my toughts from another angle. I hope, that the interpretation of th...
United Kingdom
Zi Ling is a visual artist based in Bristol and Bath. She was born to the Chinese painter HuiTao Lin, a pioneer of the 85 New Wave Movement. Since the age of four, she received formal training from him in drawings. “When I am working, I believe in unconscious, allowing myself to freely during the...



Portrait Award
April 2021

Artists : PATRYCJA PAWEZOWSKA, Jelena Petkovic, Justyna, Mena Assad, Francesco Gallé


My body of work consist mostly of figurative oil paintings which are dominated by portraits of women. They are recognizable by the use of geometric shapes that construct the portrait and the background, and by bright contrasting colors. My drawings are not realistic, rather naïve or even cartoone...
Expresses myself in terms of the widely understood portrait.  I investigated the theme of The Identity of the Image in my PhD thesis where I presented the theory of mine based on the artistic and sociological research of the artist, model and recipient’s environment. I refered to the literatur...
Brewed espresso serves as an organic component and it is used alongside my traditional materials and paints. Bringing two major icons of Italy together in one body of work. The major icons of Italy, with their beloved espresso.
My drawings are a mix between traditional and digital techniques. I do love the sign and textures of traditional, analog mediums, but I cannot overestimate the freedom of digital tools. I focus on portraits, mainly female portraits. Exploring the facial features gives so much joy! In my portraits I...
Some of the great modern philosophers, Schelling to Schiller to Schopenhauer, have all pinpointed a major reason for great art’s power to transcend . When we look at any beautiful object (natural or artistic), we suspend all other activity, and we are simply aware, we only want to contemplate the ob...


Special Award
April 2021

Artists : Chewela, Amy Jackson, Stella Bach, Kryštof Novotný, Daniel Martirossian


United Kingdom
I aim to create photo-realistic black and white portrait drawings in charcoal that depict my subject at the specific moment when the photograph was taken. With the use of a photographic image, I produce large-scale charcoal drawings of my sitters, finding oblique details and little nuances to convey...
United Kingdom
-Duality of womxn- Womxn exist in societies where their identities are predetermined or projected onto them, according to classifications such as race, gender, body type and religion.   Therefore, a womxn exists in duality. She has her own private knowledge of self and then there are soci...
Amy creates a sense of comfort and warmth in her illustrations, echoing the past and future of Welsh culture. Amy is inspired by the world around her, creating art and illustrations that convey a message or a cause. She hopes to spark a new passion with a global audience, as well as in Wales, with h...
The Czech Republic
Since 2017, I have been painting my self-portrait every year, and I will always imprint my current life situations and moods in each of them. My self-portraits are always very symbolic and you have to know me very well to understand them, and as my favorite painter Frida Kahlo said: „I pai...
We all are used to protect our faces during this time of pandemy. I did some artistic explorations with masks on faces during the last months.



Portrait Award
February 2021

Artists : Various Artists, Danni Orci, Anne Moses, Katya Kononenko, Christina Michalopoulou


United Kingdom
My main area of interest has always been the human face and form, encompassing universal recognition of emotion and sensuality seen up close with highly detailed observation. Larger than life images dealing with fragments of life seen at close range - the portrayal of the elusive touch or feeling; t...
The collective photographic works by Johannes Korstjens (VA.JKO) and Freddy Grant (VA.WAR), both members of Various Artists, have one thing in common, they were made without the use of a camera, or the camera was seen as a non essential tool. JKO and WAR usually score their material with the help...
Portraits of freedom.For this project I interviewed many people asking them what Freedom ment to them. I took 2 portrait photographs of each person, based on there answers I recreated different versions of themselves. The 2 images that I have chosen from the serie are of a trans gender friend o...
Katya Kononenko is a young Ukrainian contemporary artist. She is engaged in abstraction, exploring states, experiences, thoughts, difficulties through colors, shapes, lines and textures. Mainly artworks made with oil, acrylic on canvas, ink on paper.  Katya Kononenko was born in Ukraine. She...
I returned to painting after a long hiatus. It would seem that I was gathering images and shapes during that time. I was building an unconscious archive that lived somewhere underneath my breath. They are all now pouring out, unstoppable, in acrylic and oil, in abstraction and hyperreal figuration,...


Special Award
February 2021

Artists : Kelly Rose Adams, Zoe Tsirkoudi, Adelacreative, Tiffany Collins, Laura Floyd


Hello artists, my name is Zoe, I am 16 years old and i am here to share my art.I like admiring other drawings and artworks i see on this site too.
United States
In my art, I like to use color to express not just a feeling but a whole way of being. With shades of pink throw into just about everything, my art is about finding feminine energy in life and following it to your happiness.
Art for me is an outlet for expressing my views on life and spirituality. I am especially concentrating on the human condition and the purpose of our life here on earth. Also art has a therapeutic meditative effect on me, the place where I can recollect my thoughts and calm the mind. ...
United States
The art that is most engaging and exciting to me focuses on the human form. I am less interested in a passive pose, as if the observer is invisible. I want to give the women I paint the power to gaze back at the viewer. The simple and direct acknowledgement, "yes, I see you looking at me," is someth...
Kelly Rose Adams recognizes painting as a unique opportunity to expand upon reality. She layers visual metaphor with realist painting practices to describe invisible psychological themes. Adams is interested in the collective human experience, with a focus on hidden identity and shared emotion. Laye...


Fine Art Award
February 2021

Artists : Therese Mulgrew, Cher Pruys, Nathanael Myers, MLuisa Melendo, Joanna


United Kingdom
Joanna’s recent paintings from ‘Turquoise’ series were created during the lockdown and time of isolation. In her colourfully decorated flat filled with plants, and isolated from family and friends, her surroundings and her partner became her only world, more intensely felt and observed than ever...
United States
New York
As an interdisciplinary creator, I seek to kindle the notion of visual poetry, conceptually grounded, while fostering kinship amongst the mediums of visual art, movement, and sound. At the crux of my creative praxis lies ‘the divide of self’, the symbiosis of identifying with the LGBTQ community and...
Cher Pruys, ASAA SCA, IGOR, AAPL, CSAA, AMS, LMS, OSA, MAA, CFA. "To take my inner visions with my hands and create a work of art for you the viewer .... That is the ultimate in self expression." 
United States
My work is an attempt to explore vulnerability through portraiture, specifically how this idea is impacted by desire. I am drawn to shadow and light as a means of portraying how we present ourselves to the world, what we choose to hide and reveal. I believe portraiture, making it and consuming it, t...
I studied art in Madrid, Prague and Rome. I am based in Brussels where I work on developing my style, mostly in portrait painting. I work on projects on command, and more and more just on developing my own personal projects. For me, the art of portraiture is a search beyond aesthetics...


Creative Award
February 2021

Artists : Gary Duehr, Christina Heurig, Mascha Naumova, Eva Cid, Yannick Tossing


My photography and fine art mainly originates in the exploration of the self - and (self - ) identity. Embracing my naturally dark, beautiful and eerie inner visual voice, I stage and compose portraits and still life images, that use techniques of surrealism. Often, the main technique includes disto...
Portraits for the 21st Century. They are large-format portraits of great people, of brilliant people, inside and out, that combine the description of external features with internal ones. These portraits made with mixed technique are influenced by the old canopies of the West End theaters...
Self-objectification isn’t contraposing objectification here. Instead, the ability to create and the desire to fulfill your own image of beauty becomes a tool of free choice. Mascha’s way of being by herself is much like Frieda Kahlo’s, who wrote: “I paint myself because I am so often alone and beca...
I am looking at the life of the everyday people. There is no need for glamour or drama to live a successful life. My artwork turn around personal experiences of a kid growing up in a middle-class family. Every family has their stories, no matter what kind. 
United States
THE GREAT EMPTY In these infrared street portraits, citizens in face masks are caught in empty public spaces. Flesh and tree leaves glow as if irradiated. The COVID-19 crisis is viewed as a scene out of a dystopian sci-fi film. From "The Great Empty: A Renga in Time of Corona" by Gary Duehr...



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